Bevin Calls Special Session To Address Pension Crisis


Governor Matt Bevin called a special session that began Monday night to address the state’s troubled pension system. This comes after the Kentucky Supreme Court last week upheld a ruling by Franklin Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd that declared Senate Bill 151, the state Pension Bill, unconstitutional.

During a news conference Monday, Governor Bevin said the ruling has created a big financial problem for the state.

Bevin added legislators are still faced with challenges to uphold the state’s legal and moral obligation to deliver on the promises made pertaining to pensions.

The exact details of how that will be done, he adds, is undetermined and it will not be resolved by any one thing. That’s why Bevin said he has called legislators in for a special session Monday night to begin the process.

Governor Bevin stated he is giving legislators the expectation to get the task done during the special session, adding that he has absolute confidence they have what it takes to get this done.

Following Bevin’s news conference, media reports indicate Attorney General Andy Beshear criticized the governor for calling a special session a week before Christmas to cut the promised retirement to teachers, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and more public servants is wrong an cruel.

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