Judge Adams Talks About Plans After Retirement

Christian District Court Judge James “Jim” Adams

After serving a quarter of a century on the bench, a Christian District Court judge will be retiring in January. However, Judge James “Jim” Adams says he won’t be hanging up his robe completely and plans to continue serving the public.

Judge Adams tells the News Edge it’s been a great high honor to serve the people of Christian County for the past 25 years on the bench.

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When asked what he would miss about serving as a judge, Adams tearfully said every aspect of his job and the people he’s worked beside.

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After retirement, Judge Adams plans to serve as a retired senior judge with the Retired Senior Judge Program. He says the Purchase area hasn’t had a retired senior judge since Judge Dennis Faust resigned and was elected Commonwealth’s Attorney. When he applied for the program, he says the director was excited and said he would be kept busy.

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In addition, he has been asked to do some lecturing and technical assistance training nationwide with regards to the School-Justice Partnership Program which keeps kids in school and out of juvenile court, which has been successful in Christian County.

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Judge Adams says they are also discussing him doing some guest lecturing at Hopkinsville Community College in both law enforcement and possibly in government and history classes.He is also hoping to do some volunteer work.

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Judge Adams will continue to serve in Christian District Court until January 6, 2019, which is the date his four-year term expires. A retirement reception is scheduled at 3:00 Thursday afternoon, December 20 in the Justice Center Rotunda. The public is invited to attend.

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