Christmas Parades In Guthrie And Trenton Rescheduled


Due to the forecast of inclement weather Saturday, both the Trenton and Guthrie Christmas parades have been pushed to next Saturday. The Guthrie Christmas Parade will be held Saturday morning, December 8 at 10:00 with a lineup

Congressman Pleased With Most Of 2018 Farm Bill


First District Congressman James Comer says he is pleased with most of the 2018 Farm Bill. Congressman Comer says the final version of the farm bill will be good for Kentucky Agriculture. Congressman Comer adds he is

Helping Hands Holiday Fundraiser A Huge Success


The Helping Hands organization partnered with WKDZ-WHVO and Hancock’s Neighborhood Market to fill the food bank Thursday afternoon. Helping Hands Co-Chair K. G. Ariagno tells the News Edge they have raised well over $10,000 and the amount