Students From Gateway Academy Invited To Google Competition


Two Gateway Academy VEX Robotics teams recently entered the 2018-19 competitive season at the Owensboro Innovation State Qualifier.

According to a release from Christian County Public Schools, Team 8349-B took home second place and Team 83490-A brought home first place honors. Both teams will be heading to the State VEX tournament that will be held in March 2019 at the EC3 campus in Elizabethtown.

Team 83490-A was also invited by Google to compete in the South Bay VEX Robotics Tournament, a Google Signature event held in Sunnyvale, California. The competition will be held on February 17, 2019. The team from Hopkinsville is one of thirty teams outside of California to be invited to the Signature Event.

Team 83490-A is comprised of Spencer Powell and Gabe Harton from Hopkinsville Middle School and Dylan Clevesy, Johnathan Briggs, Larry Johnson, Gavin Heisermann, and Joshua Owen from Christian County Middle School.

Visit Gateway Academy on December 8 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM to see the VEX teams in action.

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