Recount Results Of District 6 Magistrate Election Unchanged

It took just a little over three hours to hand count ballots from voting machines in the District 6 magisterial race in Christian County with the outcome the same as the results in the general election. This comes after Democratic incumbent Jack Lackey Sr. filed paperwork requesting the votes be recounted after he lost to Republican challenger Phillip Peterson by two votes in the November general election.

Six sealed voting machines were brought into Christian Circuit Court Tuesday morning and opened one by one and ballots were hand counted by two Christian County deputy clerks and Circuit Court Judge John Atkins. After all ballots were counted, Judge Atkins says the results of the election were unchanged.

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Lackey, represented by his son and Attorney Jack Lackey Jr. complimented the County Clerk’s Office and thanked his supporters.

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Peterson, represented by Attorney Ben Fletcher says he’s tickled the results of the recount were the same and the recount shows the process works.

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Peterson adds he wants his constituents to know he will represent everyone in District 6 whether they voted for him or not.

The recount of the Absentee Ballots showed Lackey and Peterson tied with 19 votes each. Peterson carried three of the four precincts — Lakeview by 92-59, Salem Baptist by 85-60, and Valor Hall by 232-225. Lackey carried the Pembroke Baptist Precinct by a vote of 261-198.

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