Judge Sets Time For District 6 Magistrate Election Recount

A hand recount of votes for the District 6 magisterial race in Christian County will be conducted Tuesday morning in Christian Circuit Court. This comes after incumbent Jack Lackey Sr. filed paperwork last week requesting a recount of the votes from the general election after he lost by two votes, 626 to 624, to his Republican challenger Phillip Peterson.

At a hearing in circuit court Wednesday afternoon, Lackey represented by his son and attorney Jack Lackey, Jr., Peterson and his attorney Ben Fletcher, County Clerk Mike Kem, County Elections Coordinator Melinda Humphries and County Attorney John Soyars and other county officials appeared before Judge John Atkins. Judge Atkins set a hearing for the recount at 8:15 Tuesday morning in his courtroom

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Kem advised Judge Atkins there were nearly 40 absentee ballots cast in District 6 that would need to be segregated from the other absentee ballots. Atkins said they would hand count the absentee ballots Tuesday morning prior to opening the voting machines.

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Judge Atkins said the recount will be on record and is open to the public.

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