Murray Attorney Charged With Theft


An attorney from Calloway County is facing theft charges for failing to disperse money from probate cases.

According to Kentucky State Police, 72-year-old Joseph Bolin of Murray was arrested and charged with Theft By Failure to Make Required Disposition of Property Over $10,000.

State Police Detective Michael Robichaud’s report indicates the investigation began in the Spring of 2018 when State Police was contacted about Bolin allegedly not making all required disbursement payments relating to a probate case he was overseeing. The seven-month long investigation revealed that Bolin failed to disperse $900,000 on multiple probate cases. The investigation was presented to the Calloway County Grand Jury on November 6, 2018.

State Police say additional charges could be filed in the case as Detective Robichaud continues his investigation.

Bolin was lodged in the Calloway County Jail.

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