LWV Forums Feature District 3, 6 & 7 Magistrates

Magisterial candidates for Districts Three, Six and Seven discussed several different topics during the Christian County League of Women Voters Forums Monday night, including library taxes, Oak Grove’s proposed horse racing facilities, and infrastructure priorities in the districts.

Democrat Incumbent Mark Cansler

Third District Democratic incumbent Magistrate Mark Cansler said he wants to continue to work with other entities to promote economic, educational and recreational opportunities for the citizens in a fiscally responsible manner. If elected, Cansler says he will advocate for widening some roads in the District.

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Republican Challenger George Barnett
Republican challenger George Barnett says his opponent has been a magistrate for twenty years and it’s time for a change. He says the most pressing infrastructure or capital project needs are road improvements in the county and sidewalks within the city.
The next forum included the candidates in District 6. Democratic incumbent Jack Lackey, Sr. says he’s really excited about several projects that will encourage broader employment in the county like the expansion of high-speed internet service.
His Republican challenger Phillip Peterson says there are several pressing infrastructure or capital project needs in the county, including roads, but he would like to see some of the big projects move out of Hopkinsville.

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Democratic Incumbent David Collins

The final forum of the night included magisterial candidates for District Seven. When asked if there were areas that could be improved in Oak Grove, Democratic incumbent David Collins says there is always room for improvements. He noted fiscal court has supported some projects in Oak Grove.

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Republican Challenger Jerry Gilliam

Republican opponent Jerry Gilliam says the City of Oak Grove is looking for leadership from County government.

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All of the magisterial candidates stated they are against a library tax. They also addressed questions if they would be for or against changing the fiscal court meeting time.

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