Ft. Campbell Troops Will Help Secure Border


Soldiers from two military bases in Kentucky are heading to the southern border of the United States as part of Operation Secure Line.

The Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security announced Monday afternoon in a release that 800 soldiers from Fort Campbell and Fort Knox will be among a total of 5,000 troops that will assist 2,000 National Guard members and border patrol agents at the U.S.-Mexican border as a caravan of more than 3,500 migrants approaches the border. They also noted there is a second caravan of almost 3,000 migrants at the Guatemala-Mexico border that is hoping to join up with the lead group. In addition, DOD officials said they do see other caravans forming in El Salvador and elsewhere in Central America.

DOD officials stated Operation Secure Line is a multi-phased and flexible operational response designed to ensure that they are prepared for any number of contingencies involved with the arrival and attempted crossing of a large group of migrants heading to the border, whether they attempt to cross at a port of entry or unlawfully in between ports of entry.



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