Walk To End Alzheimers Raised $85K In Hopkinsville

The Alzheimer’s Association released the total amount raised at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s event held in Hopkinsville last month. More than 400 participants from around the Pennyrile Area attended the event on September 29 at the Christian County Justice Center in the fight to end Alzheimer’s disease. With a goal of $100,000, officials say participants raised $85,000 to fund Alzheimer’s care, support, and research programs.

According to a release, Memory Keepers was the top fundraising team at the event in Hopkinsville last month raising more than $10,100. Co-chair for the Walk Committee, Alan Toliver is a member of the team and lost his mother to the disease. He told the News Edge at the event the number of people suffering from the disease is staggering.

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Even though the walk is over, the Alzheimer’s Association is still taking donations through the end of the year at alz.org/walk.

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