Hopkinsville Mayor Announces City TV Change In October

Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks announced Tuesday night that City TV will be moving to a different channel next week. Mayor Hendricks says the move is part of changes associated with Spectrum’s previously announced digital conversion.

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This means beginning next month viewers will need to tune in to Channel 376 to see City Council and Committee of the Whole meetings as well as other local content.To continue watching City TV, city officials indicate business and residential customers will also need a set-top-box, digital transport adapter (DTA), or retail device with a CableCARD on each television. Customers who connect a cable line directly into the back of their televisions will need to order a self-installation kit.

For AT&T U-Verse customers, City TV can still be accessed through Channel 99.

All City TV content will also remain available free online at hoptown.org/tv. Both Live Streaming and Video on Demand can be accessed from the website by computer, laptop, or mobile device.

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