Convicted Former Firefighter Released On Bond

The former Crofton fire chief convicted of arson last month will be released on bond after a hearing in Christian Circuit Court Friday morning.

Jeremy Marlar’s attorney, Rick Boling informed Judge John Atkins the $25,000 bond had been paid by Marlar’s wife. Boling also wanted to squash all rumors that he had contributed money to Marlar’s wife for her husband’s bond.

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Judge Atkins then granted the motion to release Marlar on bond with certain conditions.

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Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Maggie Gigandet interjected and stated she and the victims are requesting that Marlar not get an ankle monitor because they don’t want him to get credit for time served that will go toward his 10-year sentence that was recommended by the jury. However, Marlar spoke up and said he wants the ankle monitor.

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Judge Atkins also allowed Marlar three hours of grace time on Saturday’s from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. to take care of business.

Marlar and former firefighter Glen McGee were convicted in August of second-degree arson and official misconduct for setting fire to a vacant building in Crofton in August 2017. McGee was also found guilty on a charge of third-degree burglary. Former firefighter Dylan Hodge entered into a plea deal with the Commonwealth in August and entered a guilty plea to a lessers charge of second-degree facilitation to arson, amended down from a second-degree arson charge. A jury trial for the fourth firefighter, Dakota Oglesby who is charged with second-degree arson and third-degree burglary, is set for January 24th.
In addition, Judge Atkins moved up Marlar’s sentencing from December to the morning of October 31st.

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