Bryan Calls For Taxpayer Revolt At Campaign Kickoff


Former Hopkinsville Mayor Wally Bryan says his campaign for Mayor will be about the people of Hopkinsville.

Bryan officially opened his headquarters in downtown Hopkinsville as he kicked off his run the city’s top office by saying the issues are on his side.

Bryan added his platform will be about the people of Hopkinsville.

He added it is time to focus on work and expanded opportunity.

Bryan closed out his remarks by saying he looks forward to walking to the Mayor’s office, which is one block from his campaign headquarters at 201 East Ninth Street.

Bryan was introduced by James Long. During his remarks, a mother and daughter that participated in the Jobs For Life program talked about his influence on their lives. Others making remarks included Bryan’s son Will Bryan.


Bryan is facing Republican incumbent Carter Hendricks, Democrat Jason McCraw and Independent Walter Shamble in the November General Election.


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