Area Responders To Provide Hurricane Assistance

    Com-Care EMS strike team made up of members from Caldwell, Crittenden, Ohio, Todd and Logan Counties/Facebook

Some emergency responders from around the region are heading to North Carolina to help with moving and evacuating people in the path of Hurricane Florence, which is a Category 4 storm forecast to cause catastrophic flooding and damage to counties on the east coast.

Caldwell County EMS Director Mark Harrison tells the News Edge Com-Care, Inc. is a five-county ambulance service that is sub-contracted with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Com-Care is based in Ohio County and consists of ambulance personnel from Caldwell, Crittenden, Logan, Ohio, and Todd.

Harrison says Com-Care personnel will currently be staged in the Raleigh area but could be moved to another region if needed.

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Todd County Publisher Ryan Craig says Todd County Emergency Management received some new equipment through a grant last year and is also responding to the east coast.

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Meanwhile, Kentucky Emergency Management is sending two Swiftwater Search and Rescue Teams comprised from the Louisville Division of Fire and Jefferson County Water Rescue Team, to provide assistance after receiving a request Tuesday from North Carolina asking for help.

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