Headliner Of 2018 Hoptown Holiday Hopfest Announced


Grammy-award winning bluegrass artists The SteelDrivers will be back in Hopkinsville to headline the annual Hoptown Holiday Hopfest in November. Pennyroyal Arts Council Executive Director Margaret Prim and Terry Griffin made the announcement Tuesday morning in a video on the Alhambra Theatre social media page.

Prim says they are excited about the headliner act and tickets are already on sale for the November 24 show.

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She notes the renovations at the Alhambra Theatre will be completed by Thanksgiving weekend, and she encourages everyone to come out and see the newly renovated theater and enjoy the family-fun event.

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The SteelDrivers play approximately 75 shows a year, including major festival appearances at Bonnaroo, Merlefest, Wintergrass, Bristol Rhythm and Roots and Telluride Bluegrass Festival.Tickets are $40 and can be purchased online through The SteelDrivers at Hoptown Hopfest or the Alhambra Theatre Facebook page. For more information, call the Pennyroyal Arts Council.

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