Committee Approves Advancement of Tax Rates to Council

Hopkinsville Committee of the Whole Chair Terry Parker

The Hopkinsville Committee of the Whole voted to keep the property tax and the personal property tax rates the same as the 2017 rates.

During Thursday night’s meeting, City Financial Officer Robert Martin made the recommendation the city keep the 23.1 cents per $100 tax rate of real property.

He also recommended the personal property tax rate stay the same at 25.1 cents per $100, the same rate it has been for many years.

Martin’s recommendations were approved to move forward to the council by a 9-0 vote, with councilmembers Wendell Lynch, Phillip Brooks and Kimberly McCarly absent from the meeting.

Community Development Assistant Director and Downtown Renaissance Director Holly Boggess

The Committee also voted to forward the downtown incentive policy to Council. Community Development Assistant Director and Downtown Renaissance Director Holly Boggess said the incentive policy is in response to an assessment conducted a couple of years ago by EHI Consultants to allow additional tax incentives in the downtown Renaissance District.

She explained the policy would allow additional tax incentives.

The Committee also approved forwarding a request authorizing the transfer of $100,000 currently allocated in the Section 108 Loan Program for the relocation of Joe Mumford Park toward construction costs associated with East 2nd Street Park. Likewise, she stated they are requesting $100,000 of the WINS funding currently allocated toward construction costs for East 2nd Street Park be transferred to the relocation of Joe Mumford Park. She added this would allow them to complete the Section 108 Loan Program in a timely fashion while maintaining the same amount of funding for each park.

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