Honor Flight Barnstorming Tour Saturday In Hopkinsville


A World War II B-25 Bomber will land at the Hopkinsville Christian County Airport Saturday afternoon at 4:30. The plane is coming to Hopkinsville as part of the Honor Flight Program barnstorming tour of Western Kentucky to honor veterans and increase awareness of the Honor Flight Network.

Jeff Thoke is the coordinator for the project and he says the plane is coming from St. Louis.

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Thoke says the purpose of the visit is to allow veterans to take a short flight on the bomber, with WWII Veterans having the first priority, then Korean War Veterans and finally Vietnam Veterans, and if space is available, civilians will be able to participate. He says the cost of the flight is $300 dollars, and they are looking for sponsors to help the veterans take the flight.

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One flight is scheduled for Saturday evening at 7:00 for a twilight flight. If enough people are interested, there could be a second flight Saturday evening. The final flight is scheduled for Sunday morning at 9:30. Thoke says one flight has been sold out. He says the plane accommodates 5, plus the crew.

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He says the pilots will take those participating on a tour of the area.

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The Honor Flight Bluegrass is best known for taking veterans on a commercial flight to Washington to tour the war memorials. 100 year old WWII Veteran Ernie Micka was a member of the two day all WWII honor flight on June 5 and 6 of this year. Micka encourages any veteran who has the opportunity, should take the flight.

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The bomber will begin the barnstorming tour Saturday morning in Owensboro. After leaving Hopkinsville on Sunday, the plane will travel to Bowling Green.There are still some spaces available for the flights this weekend and sponsors are needed. Thoke says if anyone is interested in reserving a space or would like to sponsor a veteran, you can call him at 502-645-5421.

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