Documentary Being Made on Between the Rivers

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The area that use to be known as Between the Rivers use to be a home to many families, but in 1964 the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) began to condemn 170,000 acres between Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley to construct the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. Anne Fentress is an independent filmmaker based in Nashville and has been working on a documentary to tell about the people who were forced out of their homes in that area.

Fentress tells the News Edge this all happened over 50 years ago, and the documentary will tell the stories behind some of the families that were removed from their land and homes.

Another part of the documentary will focus on how the land has been managed over the years.

Fentress has a personal connection to the Between the Rivers story.

She adds this story has not had a lot of opportunities to be told.

Fentress has been working on this documentary for over 3 years and hopes to have it finished by the end of the year, but she needs the communities support and donations to hire an editor to help put it all together.

To donate click here

Visit the documentary website by clicking here

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