Christian County Joins War On Asian Carp

Christian County is joining the fight against Asian Carp. Christian County Fiscal Court magistrates unanimously approved a resolution during Tuesday morning’s meeting to show their support for the War on Asian Carp in area lakes.

As the News Edge has previously reported, Lyon County Judge Executive Wade White has been trying to get support from Tennessee and Kentucky in order to get Congress to provide funding to help eliminate Asian Carp, which he says is killing the eco-system in the lakes in Land Between the Lakes Recreational Area.

Judge Executive Steve Tribble says he will be attending a Congressional Hearing in Lyon County Friday to show his support.

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Magistrate David Collins says he has experienced the danger of the Asian Carp on the lakes.

Bruce Brooks – Telecom Audit Group

In other business, magistrates approved entering into an agreement Telecom Audit Group that helps government agencies reduce its utility expenses. County Attorney Mike Foster says the contract is for two-years with an opt out for the County.

right-click to download mp3In other action, magistrates approved Christian County Emergency Management Director Randy Graham’s recommendation of Lucas Stagner and Michael Valez as volunteer Deputy Emergency Management Directors. Stagner will also serve as a volunteer Search and Rescue Coordinator. Both positions are effective immediately.

The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, August 14, at 8:30.



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