Progress Being Made On War On Asian Carp

Officials continue to ask for the public’s support in order to send a message to Congress that funding is needed to help fight the growing Asian Carp problem in area lakes.

Lyon County Judge Executive Wade White tells the News Edge the funding is needed to help Kentucky Fish and Wildlife implement their plans to eliminate the Asian Carp. He says one of the things Kentucky Fish and Wildlife is doing right now is putting in a barrier below the Barkley Dam.

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The other thing Judge White says they are wanting to do is help fund the commercial fisherman.

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He adds the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife, plus TVA gave a donation, to put in a 7-ton ice machine for the Asian Carp fishermen.

Judge White indicates things are starting to progress the way they need in order to eliminate the Asian Carp problem that is killing the eco-system in area lakes.

As we reported earlier this week, a Congressional Field Briefing will be conducted by Congressman James Comer Friday afternoon, July 27, at 2:00 p.m. at the Lyon Convention Center in Eddyville. Although Judge White says the public will not be allowed to speak at the hearing due to Congressional rules, he adds you can show your support by sending emails.

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All emails supporting the War on Carp must be received by Monday, July 23.

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