Audio -Former Secretary Of Agriculture John Block


Former Secretary of Agricutlure John Block discusses how NATO owes money to the United States. Block adds Trump is making other countries step up and help out with the money issue caused by Germany and other countries

Garden Corner – Rhododendron Dieback


Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Rhododendron Dieback  One problem showing up in landscapes is a canker disease causing wilt and dieback on rhododendron, caused by the fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea. The first indication of a problem usually



Both lakes are slightly below summer pool and on a slow draw down.  Kentucky Dam was generating at an average rate of 33,500 cfs this morning.  Barkley Dam was generating at an average rate of 17,600 cfs

Weather Update – Is Relief In Sight?


Not much change to the forecast. Friday will see an increase in humidity and Saturday will be pretty uncomfortable as this long hot summer continues. Expect temperatures to be in the lower 90s Friday and middle 90s