Trigg Students Discuss Sources Of Strength With Legislators


Trigg County High School students are being commended for their efforts with the Sources of Strength program. Principal Shannon Burcham, students Cade Bliedt, Adrianna Phillips, Hope Howard, Garrett Knight, Youth Service Director Laura Shelton and Counselor discussed the program with the Interim Joint Committee on Education Monday afternoon.

Co-Chair Representative Bam Carney thanked the students for working hard to share a positive message.

When asked about the need for the discussion about gun violence, Adrianna Phillips said guns are not blame.

Senator Stephen Meredith asked the students why the program is important to them. Garrett Knight said he doesn’t want another student to take their own life.

Hope Howard says she looks forward to helping strengthen others.

Cade Bleidt added he enjoys helping others.

Following the presentation from Trigg County, the committee heard a report about ensuring the psychological stability of students, a presentation from Oldham County schools about detecting threats and a report about proposed education standards changes from the Kentucky Department of Education.

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