Magistrates Approve 2nd Reading Of 2018-19 Budget


Christian County Fiscal Court approved the second reading of the 2018-19 budget and a resolution for the Christian County Health Department rehabilitation project, during Tuesday morning’s regular meeting.

Judge Executive Steve Tribble presented the summary of the total appropriations for the more than $36.2 million budget.

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The budget also includes a 3% cost of living increase for employees.

Magistrates also unanimously approved a resolution for the first phase of the Christian County Health Department rehabilitation project in an amount of $500,000, as presented by Ashley Johnson with the Community Development Specialist with the Pennyrile Area Development District.

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Magistrates also approved resolutions for the Trilogy Recovery Center for $200,000, and a resolution of Development Incentive Districts.

In other business, magistrates approved pay request #9 for the Christian County Water District for more than $196,000, which Johnson says is a $1.9 million project that is 90% complete; pay request #2 for the Alhambra Theatre project for over $57,000; and pay request #12 for the Public Safety Building for more than $433,000.

In addition, magistrates approved a joint recommendation between the County and City of Hopkinsville to reappoint Harry Parmar to the Convention and Visitors Bureau Board, along with Sara Whitaker to serve terms expiring June 2021. Magistrates also approved the appointment of Bart Cayce to the Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library Board to serve a term expiring August 2021, the remainder of Justin Williams term who resigned from the seat.

The next Christian County Fiscal Court meeting will be held Tuesday morning, June 26, at 8:30.

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