Bryan Claims Slaughter Not Fired from Challenge House


The founder of Challenge House is saying Executive Director Reverend Buddy Slaughter was not terminated or ousted, but rather his $50,000 contract was not renewed.

Wally Bryan explains to the News Edge the recent actions of the board, adding that every board member thinks highly of Slaughter.

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Bryan has been asked by Board Chair Reese Bailey to step-in short-term and serve as the acting-director. He accepted the position with no pay for a three week period during which he will put together a report covering everything at Challenge House.

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He notes that the things coming to light have nothing to do with any wrongdoing.

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Bryan says Challenge House is not about anyone specific, but rather about the people in the inner-city neighborhoods.

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He adds he will be working behind the scenes the next few weeks to determine how to move Challenge House forward.  Bryan says he is running for Mayor of Hopkinsville, and has no interest at all of becoming interim director or permanent director of Challenge House.

Rev. Slaughter told us Friday that he had no idea that he was being let go until he received an email from Bailey on Wednesday, May 23 advising him his last day as the executive director at Challenge House would be the next day, May 24th.

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