Rep. Dossett Celebrating VA Mission Act Passage


State Representative Myron Dossett is celebrating the passage of the VA Mission Act, which is legislation that will expand caregiver services for veterans.

Rep. Dossett, sponsored House Bill 294 during the past legislative session, and urged Congress to pass the Military and Veteran Caregiver Services Improvement Act of 2017. Dossett says the legislation cleared the Senate with overwhelming support with a 92-5 vote.

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Dossett adds he was pleased the Senate was able to pass the important bill that will impact veterans post 911 across the nation, especially in Hopkins and Christian Counties. He says Robert Kaminski, who has about 28 years of military service, also played an integral role in getting the legislation passed.

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He indicates the legislation will expand benefits to help cover injured veteran caregiver services.

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The bill is now on President Donald Trump’s desk awaiting his signature before coming law.

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