Trigg Schools Receive Decrease In Worker’s Comp Insurance


In a brief Trigg County Board of Education special called meeting Tuesday night, school board members unanimously approved the consent agenda which included the worker’s compensation insurance for the next fiscal year.
Superintendent Travis Hamby advised board members they will remain with the same provider, adding that there is a significant decrease in the worker’s compensation insurance for Fiscal Year 2019.

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In addition, Director of Students and Personnel, James Mangels presented board members with a few changes to the Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP) after significant changes were made to simplify it the prior year. He said the committee came back and added a couple of statements that are required but were not included in the district’s plan regarding evaluations and training.

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He noted the biggest change was in other district certified personnel.

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Another item on the consent agenda approved by board members included awarding Southern Exposure as the photographer for senior pictures, individual pictures and dance/ancillary pictures for the 2018-2019 school year.

A motion was made to go into executive session and no action was taken.

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