Magistrates Approve Property Resolutions Promoting Growth


Christian County will continue to grow after Fiscal Court magistrates unanimously approved three resolutions Tuesday morning for residential and commercial properties.

Hal McCoy presented a resolution requesting magistrates to continue their 10 year agreement with an 80/20 split for more than 8 acres of commercial property to be located across from the YMCA on Eagle Way Bypass. He says they also want to extend sewer and water lines as well as the road.

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Photo: Hal McCoy

Cary Bruce presented a resolution regarding the Bypass Warehouse, LLC that will be located behind the Phelps Dodge building for 10 years with an 80/20 split with the County. He says the warehouses in the Industrial Park are full and they need another warehouse.

Photo: Cary Bruce

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And Robert Gray presented a resolution for regarding Sivley Point, LLC to develop 36 acres of residential housing off of Sivley Lane behind Applebee’s restaurant.

Photo: Robert Gray

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In other business, magistrates approved a Kentucky Office Homeland Security grant resolution for almost $39,000; payment request #11 for the Public Safety Building for $513,899; pay request #1 for the Alhambra Theatre project for $68,133; and renewed the court’s health insurance for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.Fiscal Court moved their next regularly scheduled meeting due to election on May 22.

Judge Executive Steve Tribble informed magistrates they will hold a special called meeting on Wednesday morning, May 23rd, at 8:30am.


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