Officials Proclaim April National Donate Life Month


Give the Gift of Life. Be a Donor. That is what Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks and Christian County Judge Executive Steve Tribble is encouraging citizens to do as they proclaimed April National Donate Life Month during the reading of the proclamation Wednesday afternoon.

Mayor Carter Hendricks read the proclamation that says organ tissue, marrow, and blood donation are life giving acts recognized worldwide as expressions of compassion to those in need. He then read the statistics of those waiting for a donated organ.

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He adds millions of lives each year are saved and healed by donors of organs, tissues, marrow and blood.

Judge Tribble says the spirit of giving and the decision to donate are not restricted by age or medical condition. He also says there are more than 1.5 million Kentuckians signed up to be organ donors.

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When asked to share her organ recipient experience, Donate Life Ambassador and Volunteer Betty Lingenfelter became emotional and tears welled in her eyes as she shared with the News Edge that she and her family went through eight months of horror while she waited for a liver donor nearly two decades ago.

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A small crowd gathered at the Christian County Justice Center for the reading of the proclamation and to show their support for organ recipients and donors.

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