Council Forwards Landlord-Tenant Ordinances To Committee


Four ordinances proposed by the Human Relations Commission requiring landlord and tenant changes were forwarded to the Hopkinsville Committee of the Whole to be placed on the agenda for discussion and consideration.

Human Relations Commission Director Bernard Standard explains the proposed four ordinances are to make rental properties better in the city.

Three landlords voiced their concerns and why they are against the suggested ordinances. Krystal Kirkman told council she has 36 rental properties and is a responsible landlord. She’s concerned about the tenants who pay $300 in rent because they are the ones who will become homeless when landlords have to raise their rent in order to cover repair expenses.

Kirkman says she also feels they are punishing all landlords for the actions of a few bad landlords. She hopes council will weigh it out before just rubber stamping the ordinances.

After the meeting, Standard says the bottom line is every citizen deserves habitable housing and minimal requirement.

He adds they used the City of Covington as a model because they have gone through the same process. He says there is no data supporting the idea that the homeless population would increase.

Councilwoman Patricia Bell made a motion to forward the proposed ordinances to the Committee of the the Whole and Wendell Lynch made a second. The motion passed by a 7-3 vote. The no votes were cast by council members Thomas Grant, Amy Craig and Tom Johnson. Standard tells the News Edge the ordinances will be placed on the June agenda.

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