Magistrates Table Maintenance Garage Roof Repairs


Plans to reroof the county’s road maintenance garage fell flat on Monday as the Trigg County Fiscal Court tabled a bid to replace the level roof. Magistrates opted to spec-out and collect competitive bids for a metal truss roof instead.

A single bid of $58,200 from Swift Roofing, of Murray, for a flat rubberized roof had been set for approval. The county received the bid after opening the project up to competitive bidding in February.

However, Jon Goodwin pointed to the bid product’s 10-year warranty and suggests a truss roof, though more costly, would yield a better value over time with a longer estimated warranty. Mike Wright concurred and motioned to table the issue and Goodwin seconded.

The motion was approved unanimously. The project will now require stamped, planned engineer drawings as it will alter the building’s structure, according to Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander.

During time for public comment, John Oliver, of Ace Drywall and Acoustical, took issue with not having the chance to bid on emergency repairs to the courthouse annex. According to court discussion, the approximate $12,000 worth of work is below the $20,000 threshold requiring approval of the court.

Wright brought the issue of how alcohol tax money is allocated by law to the court’s attention. Alexander says the use of taxes collected on alcohol is determined by state law, which requires it be allocated for law enforcement purposes. Changes to the law would have to come from the Kentucky legislature.

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