Workplace Safety And Health Conference Set For May


Kentucky Secretary of Labor Derrick Ramsey & Dept. of Workplace Standards Commissioner Ervin Dimeny

A Safety and Health Conference will be held in Bowling Green next month that Kentucky Secretary of Labor Derrick Ramsey hopes will continue a decline in workplace injuries and fatalities in the state. He tells the News Edge the number of workplace injuries reported in the state have dropped since 1994.

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Secretary Ramsey attributes the declining workplace injuries due to their focus on education and educating businesses on safety and health.

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To continue the momentum, he is inviting every business in Kentucky to a conference in Bowling Green.

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Secretary Ramsey says his number one responsibility is the safety and health of every employee that goes to work everyday and he won’t be satisfied until every person that goes into work returns home uninjured and in one piece as they were before going to work.He adds he is really enjoying the change in the attitude of businesses regarding the health and safety for their employees.

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Plus, Secretary Ramsey notes it’s an added bonus for businesses, although very small, but it helps them with their worker’s compensation insurance. With that benefit and the fact that employees are not missing hours and days of work is a win-win situation for both sides.The Safety and Health Conference will be May 8-11 at the Sloan Convention Center in Bowling Green. To register



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