Men Charged In Hardee’s Robbery Enter Plea Agreements


Two men scheduled to stand trial Monday in connection to a robbery at Hardee’s in February 2017 entered into plea deals in Christian County Circuit Court Friday morning. Court records indicate Antonio Brunson and his attorney, Stephanie Mize, and the second man charged, Nigel Couvertier and his attorney Michael Thompson appeared before Judge John Atkins. Brunson entered into a plea agreement of a 12 year sentence while Couvertier’s agreed to a 14.5 year sentence.

Brunson and Couvertier and a third man, Jeffery Davis, were indicted for 1st Degree Burglary on April 21 after the charges were amended down from robbery in Christian District Court.

Police reported Couvertier was identified as the one who shot out the glass on a side door of Hardee’s on Fort Campbell Boulevard in February of last year. Police determined Brunson was the person who provided Couvertier with the handgun that was used in the robbery, and was the one who picked him up in the parking lot after the incident. Police say Davis was the night manager at Hardee’s and assisted in the planning and execution of the robbery.

Davis entered a guilty plea in Circuit Court and entered into a plea agreement Wednesday.

Brunson and Couvertier will be sentenced August 14 at 1:00pm.



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