Marshall County Shooter “Cold, Callous” In Interview With Police


The teen accused of the fatal Marshall County High School shooting will be back in court Monday. 15-year old Gabriel Parker was arraigned February 16, where Circuit Judge Jamie Jameson entered a not guilty plea for him to two counts of Murder and 14 counts of 1st Degree Assault.

The Courier Journal obtained the court video of the arraignment and the juvenile hearing. Judge Jameson scheduled a status hearing for August 3 to allow the attorneys time to hand over discovery and left other matters to the attorneys.

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As part of the juvenile hearing, Sheriff’s Captain Matt Hilbrecht talked about Parker’s demeanor during the interogation following the January 23 shooting.

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He testified that Parker saw the whole shooting as an experiment.

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Parker reportedly started his morning in the band room.

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Hilbrecht says there was little planning.

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A hearing has been scheduled for 11:00am Monday. The shooting claimed the lives of 15-year old Bailey Holt and 15-year old Preston Cope.

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