Grace And Mercy Honors Eight Graduates

Eight ladies are living a new life following their graduation from Grace and Mercy. The graduates shared their stories and were honored Thursday night during the 3rd annual dinner before nearly 900 people at the Bruce Convention Center.

Director Joanna Mack thanked the people for the support to make Grace and Mercy a ministry that is continuing to grow.

Mack said Grace and Mercy is more than a recovery program, it is helping the ladies learn to live in a new way of life.

The 2018 graduates are Denise Freeman, Melissa Hale, Tiffany Hibbs, Scarlett Hopper, Jessica Little, Cynthia Powell, Brandi Marie Smith and Michelle White.

Meanwhile, Board member Dr. David Gardner announced plans are in place for a new home for Grace and Mercy.

Grace and Mercy is currently housed at Challenge House Seven on Means Avenue.

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