Committee Hears Update On Sportsplex

Construction of the Sportsplex is underway and bidding on other WINS projects will happen soon. Hopkinsville City Administrative Officer Nate Pagan says the rain has slowed the progress on the new project.

He presented the City Council’s Committee of the Whole with a memorandum to approve the deed of the nearly four acres the building will sit on.

The City will pay the Conference Center $247,500, but the Conference Center Board will refund half the price to the city. The memorandum received unanimous support from the Committee.

As for other WINS projects, ground was broken on the East 2nd Street Park this week, the Joe Mumford Park project is expected to be bid in April, and the design of the Greenway Expansion continues.

The City has received $816,000 in grant money and still has about $3.3 million in bonding capacity from the insurance tax increase. Bidding for the project will happen in the coming months and the options will be presented to the full City Council.

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