Surgeon At Jennie Stuart To Appear On KET

A general surgeon with Jennie Stuart Health will be a guest on the Kentucky Health program that airs on Kentucky Education Television. Doctor David Kabithe says he will take part in a discussion about Kidney Disease and Dialysis.

Dr. Kabithe says he was invited to the KET discussion by the host, a former mentor of his.

Dr. Kabithe tells the News Edge he’s excited for the opportunity to appear on KET to inform and educate the public about Kidney Disease.

He says everyone needs to follow up with their primary care physician to see if you are at risk of Kidney Disease.

The KET show featuring Dr. Kabithe will first air Sunday, February 25 and then will re-air for about a week. You can check your local TV guide or visit for air times or to view it online.


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