Police Looking For Clarksville Bank Robbery Suspect

Police are looking for the suspect that robbed a bank on Madison Street in Clarksville Thursday afternoon. Police Public Information Officer Jim Knoll says a white male entered the Bank of America, located at 1811 Madison Street, around 2:12pm and gave the clerk a note telling her to give him money. After she complied, the man left the bank with an undisclosed amount of money.

The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 5'11", thin build, and possibly in his 50s. He was wearing a leather jacket, grey sweater or hoodie, and a black t-shirt with some lettering on it. Police say he may have gotten into a ice blue color vehicle, possibly a 4-door Nissan.

Police say no weapon was displayed during the robbery, and there were no injuries reported.

Anyone with information about the suspect or robbery is asked to call the TIPSLINE at (931) 645-8477.

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