Magristrates Okay New Tourism Appointments

Trigg County Fiscal Court is moving forward with three new appointments to the Cadiz-Trigg County Tourism Commission. Magistrates rubber stamped the appointments of J. B. Moore, John Oliphant and Lucas Hale during Monday’s meeting.

The new tourism commission members were appointed to replace Mallory Lawrence, Kevin Atwood and Greg Batts, whose terms expired at the end of 2017. Moore will represent the Cadiz-Trigg County Chamber of Commerce, Oliphant will represent restaurant owners and Hale will represent overnight lodging. Cadiz City Council is will consider the joint city-county appointments during Tuesday’s meeting.

Lawrence and Atwood have told the News Edge they have not heard from city or county officials concerning why their appointments were allowed to expire. Atwood and Batts were among tourism commission members who voted to withold funding for the Cadiz-Trigg County Parks and Recreation Commission, who refused to sign an agreement holding them accountable for the way they spend 25 percent of the city restaurant tax.

Meanwhile, Magistrate Jon Goodwin said he would like to hear a report from the tourism commission about how tourism money is being spent.

In other business, magistrates approved County Clerk Carmen Finley’s 2017 settlement. Finley announced her office will turn over $149, 915, which Judge Hollis Alexander noted may be the most in recent years.

Fiscal Court approved a pay raise for precinct workers. Following a recommendation by County Clerk Carmen Finley, magistrates raised the training pay for $20 to $25 and election day pay from $100 to $125.

Magistrates unanimously adopted a resolution that will be sent to Congress and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that supports leaving Kentucky and Barkley Lakes at summer pool longer.

New South West Kentucky EDC Director Mark Lindsey and Sharon Butts provided an update to magistrates. Both say the economic development climate has been positive during the last six months.

Judge Hollis Alexander and Magistrate Larry Lawrence also complimented the County Road Department for their extra efforts during the recent winter weather.

And Judge Alexander presented awards to the winners of the Trigg County Trash Scuplture contest, with many of the winners on hand to describe their projects.


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