Fire Dept To Implement EMS Admin Changes

The Hopkinsville Fire Department will be hiring a deputy chief to oversee emergency services. Fire Chief Freddy Montgomery reviewed the change for the Committee of the Whole Thursday night. The position will be funded by the Hopkinsville Christian County Ambulance Board and will not impact the city budget. Councilman Wendell Lynch says it and a change in the way the stipend is paid are much needed changes. 


Right now, Lynch says the write-offs are more than 50% of the potential revenue. Montgomery presented the Committee with a revised Ambulance Service contract which reflects the changes. It was forwarded to City Council. Mayor Carter Hendricks commended all involved. 
In other business, the Committee reappointed Terry Parker as Chairman. Phillip Brooks was appointed Vice Chairman and Don Ahart was appointed presiding officer in the Mayor’s absence. A closed session discussion was held to discuss an economic development proposal, but no action was taken. 

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