Cadiz Police Conducting Special Cold Weather Patrols

Due to the extreme cold the Cadiz Police Department is conducting a special detail to ensure that local citizens and travelers are as safe as possible while in our area. According to the department's Facebook page, they will be patrolling US 68/80 and I-24 looking for and assisting stranded motorists until help arrives.

Ways that you can help yourself is to make sure that you do not allow your fuel to get below ¼ tank, make sure that your vehicle has the proper mixture of anti-freeze, check all of your belts and hoses, put blankets or coats in your car, carry some hand warmers in your glove box, just to name a few.

If you do break down and need help please call 270-522-8888 or 911 if it is an emergency. Remember to be aware of the mile markers as you are traveling so you can give it to a dispatcher.

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